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Radiation #8,9,10

April 17, 2013

Well, it’s finally over. No more radiation. Done. Over and out. Happy day!

The last few treatments have been completed successfully, although the radiation effects didn’t go quietly. Friday was a good day, as was Monday but Tuesday – the final day of treatment – began ominously with a 6am wakeup call of my stomach trying to turn itself inside out. That set the morning off to a bad start with nothing staying down, including the anti-nausea pills. I made it to the radiation chamber for the final zapping around 9:15am after which the lovely nurses decided they want me to go home in a better state than I came. So they stuck a drip in my arm and gave me fluids for a couple of hours while I dozed on the Lazy-boy in the acute oncology room.


After re-hydrating, I felt a lot better and went home mid afternoon for a nap. Since then I have felt good but decided to stay home today so I’m all ready to hit the ground running for work on Thursday.

On Monday I decided that my hair wasn’t going to fall out so I went and got a haircut from the local Just Cuts. I may have been a bit hasty in proclaiming my hair as safe as the last couple of days has seen my hair starting to fall out in clumps. Even my aspiring-hairdresser daughter Chloe didn’t hold out much hope for me when combing my hair tonight.


Anyway, hair loss aside, I’m feeling back on top and ready to rumble. I’m told the effects of the radiation treatment will linger for up to a couple of weeks after it finishes but I’m confident it won’t be anything like my experience during the treatment phase. I will have a follow up MRI scan in around 4 weeks which will show the results of the radiation treatment.

So that’s it from me for now, I’m looking forward to seeing miracles continue to happen in my life and in the lives of others who believe in faith for miracles.

Talk again soon

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One Comment
  1. Paul and Linda Stairmand permalink

    Well done David.

    Sorry to hear about the hair – Paul finds hats keep the head warm!
    At least yours will grow back! Ha! Ha!
    Look forward to good report.
    Will catch you in the weekend.
    Love to you, Tracy and kiddies
    Paul and Linda

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